♥ ♥ Cat Pylant ♥ ♥

A whirlwind of thoughts

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My First Published Editorial

I am extremely excited to share with all of you one of my biggest accomplishments thus far, my published editorial for Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine’s May 2011 issue. The link for the issue is: HEREand click through until page 10.

PR Practioners: Get Your Heads Out of the Pitch.. Personalize. (via ♥ ♥ Cat Pylant ♥ ♥)

PR Practioners: Get Your Heads Out of the Pitch.. Personalize. As a student studying PR, I am constantly studying the newest sources and mediums that are being used by PR practitioners to reach their publics. Low and behold, social media is continually shooting to the top of the list of contenders. When researching how people in PR should "Pitch" to influential bloggers, the tip that seemed most prominent amongst bloggers themselves is: Don't pitch, Personalize. As stated in an article I found while research … Read More

via ♥ ♥ Cat Pylant ♥ ♥

On the Record: Importance of audio and video in Public Relations

“Thank you for joining us today, what do you feel about the use of audio tactics such as podcasts in the field of PR?”

The means of communication is quickly evolving. Between the growth of social media and the transformation of technology, public relations have infused the old practices of PR with the new tools resulting in new methods.

One method practitioners are using today is known as a  “podcasts.” Some people may listen to podcasts in order to keep up with current events or listen to their favorite comedian, but it is just as beneficial for people interested in public relations. A blog called Inside PR, started by three podcasters has the written transcripts of their episodes, and a post that shares why they find PR podcasts beneficial,

“But what’ s even better about podcasts is that I can find content that focuses on my interests. And my interests are much narrower than the general public’ s interests. This isn’t broadcasting. It’s content for me and my community.”

I totally agree with their opinion on podcasts. I think the best part about podcasts is that a person can subscribe to hear information that they are interested in and caters to them, and can listen to these not only in the car, but also while working out or on a subway. Unlike most methods of delivering information to the publics, podcasts allow people to receive the information when they want, where they want and the way they want.

In a Podcast by Eric Schwartzman he explains that podcasts get clients noticed via search engines.

Another method PR practitioner’s use that is a little more old school is video footage. The advantage of shooting film, as Schwartzman state is one can always use the audio, but will also have the video is they so choose. Action strategy’s website said it best, “If a picture is worth 1000 words, good video and audio clippings to media has to be worth at least 100,000!”









Lady GaGa’s Dangerous Doe-Eye Fashion Statement.

Lady GaGa never fails to draw the attention of a crowd. Whether it is a dramatic performance or a shock value outfit, GaGa never fails to be center of attention.
But can all of these “Fashion” risks and publicity stunts start a dangerous trend? You better believe it.
In her recent “Bad Romance” music video Gaga is appeared to have big eyes. Actually big eyes is an understatement..HUGE eyes! And the controversial part of this is this look is attracting the attention of teens all over.
The “Gaga” over this issue is teens are now buying illegal contacts that are not properly fitted to the eye which results in infections and permanent damage to the cornea.

First off..who in their right mind really wants to look like that? Even Lady Gaga who is a wacko when it comes to fashion did not even truly fall victim to this trend. FYI to all the Gaga crazed teens: She was digitally altered. Not even Gaga is insane enough to risk going blind in order to look like a bug. Maybe I am just crazy, but i know for one thing..My poker face will forever have regular eyes…Eat your heart out circle lense wearers!

The Little Things

As the years go by I want to remember
Remember the earthy smell that engulfs me
as I run barefoot through the fresh-cut grass

Remember the gentle kiss of the butterfly
delicately placed on the tip of my finger

Remember the sentimental moments that are felt
when I open a letter from a loved one
to feel the rose color in my cheeks
as if their handwriting was as intimate as their touch

Remember the lullaby my father used to hum
as I layed in bed and dreamt of infinitive possibilities
dreamt of how one day I will be beautiful like my mother

Remember I may, for I will never forget the little things
the smells that come back to me from time to time
the second glimpse in a mirror to catch a familiar face
and the song that takes me back to a moment in time

These memories are the things I will remember
when life gets tough and the infinitives seem impossible
these are the things I am thankful for
these are the things in life I will forever cherish..
The little things♥

I wrote this poem in the past for a creative writing class. I decided to post it on my blog because this past weekend I spent the holiday with my family and friends. I could not be any less passionate that it is the little things that make people happy. I wanted to post this incase some people may get a chance to read it and maybe it will result in a smile when they think about the little things that have inspired them or think about the things they cherish. People get so caught up in stress these days it is nice to take a moment and think about all of the little things that can maybe create a minute of peacefulness in a hectic day.

Dance party

Jersey Shore TV review

In my journalism class we had to pick a show we had never seen before and write a review about it. Doing everything in my power thus far not to give into the Jersey Shore hype…I decided to finally check it out. Needless to say I should have stuck to my guns.

Thanks to the new MTV apocalypse know as “Jersey Shore;” fist pumps and blowouts are unfortunately becoming as widespread as the common cold.

After viewing an episode of “Jersey Shore,” one will easily be able to identify why this show has stirred up a lot of controversy. “Jersey Shore” is based on negative stereotypes and bad behaviors of a subset of Italian-Americans that call themselves “Guido’s”.

As awful and mind numbing as this show is, it is impressive how much trash they can cram into one episode. It appears nothing is off limits to this group of eight individuals. Hooking up with various strangers, cursing like sailors and living by their ritual “GTL,” which stands for gym, tanning and laundry, is all in a days work for these fame seekers.

If this garbage is what society thinks is good television, then I need to thrown mine out the window. Watching people wear next to nothing to go out to night clubs to cheat on their significant others and pounding their fists on the floor and in the air is not what I call entertaining. I feel embarrassed for these people just by watching them on the show.

“Jersey Shore” is a disgrace. I can’t fathom any reason to watch another episode of individuals who go by the self-given nicknames: Jwoww, Snooki, and The Situation.

An episode I viewed started off with a late start to the day due to a long night of “pounding the beat”. Once the hangovers were cured, the “Guido’s and Guidettes,” had a savvy business day at the boardwalk t-shirt shop. After this day of hard work these characters earned themselves a night at the classy Karma establishment. With a few good beats and a couple cups of “Ron-Ron” juice, the cast members claim that the evening will, “Come to life.”

One may be wondering what exactly is “Ron-Ron” juice? Well, lucky for me after watching an episode, I too now know the recipe that will make my night come to life. It’s a concoction made up by a cast member that includes Stolichnaya vodka, watermelon juice, cherries, and cranberry juice with ice. Clearly a cup of pink liquid is the perfect accesory to the guy’s blowouts and designer clothing.

So if one wants to look at “juiced” and tanned guys, or watch girls the color of oompa loompas talk on a wooden duck phone for thirty minutes of the day, this show is the perfect candidate! If MTV’s intentions were to give Italians who reside in Jersey Shore a bad reputation, then they completely succeeded.

Apologize This Barton

A column I wrote today in my beginning journalism class..

In the midst of all of the chaos being caused by the millions of gallons of crude oil spewing into the ocean on a daily basis, I think I missed a new rule of etiquette that requires a victim to beg the perpetrator for forgiveness.

Brainless Joe Barton of Texas, a senior House Republican decided that it was only right to apologize to oil giant BP on behalf of the U.S. government. What he said was: “I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown — in this case a 20 billion dollar shakedown.”

Barton was referring to the 20 billion dollars that BP agreed on to put into a compensation fund for victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Earth to Barton, not only is this the worst oil spill in U.S history, but the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig killed 11 workers and seriously injured over a dozen. On top of that there is no exact date to when this will be fixed, meanwhile a region that was destroyed a few years back due to Hurricane Katrina now has to deal with insincere idiots apologizing to the root of the problem instead of getting them to get off their high horse and do something about this crisis. Hey Barton, try that for tragedy.

If the 20 billion dollar contract were really a “shakedown” one would think Tony Hayward would not be off on vacation watching yacht races. It must be nice, while Hayward can jet off and enjoy watching boats on clean water, U.S citizens are trying to cope with the disaster his company has created.

I guess the insensitive Hayward was not joking when he unsympathetically announced the true reason he wants to fix the oil spill: “Id like my life back.” Not only is that a ridiculous statement, Hayward had the nerve to say that to the people of Louisiana, the true victims of this crisis. Due to this catastrophe these people will not be able to provide food for their families, let alone take a vacation.

Its people like Hayward and Barton that just need to get out of the way. These men are not benefitting anyone or providing any relief to the oil spill, so maybe they should both think about relinquishing what is left of their decency, if any, and go watch yachts together. Gentlemen spare us all your selfish media antics and let us all focus on what is really important.

Getting Started

Whew! Finally figured this website out. I will be posting writings and blogs on here shortly once I have my site set up how I would like..So just hang tight! Also just getting started on Twitter and Linkedin so feel free to find me on those websites.