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A whirlwind of thoughts

Archive for MTV

Jersey Shore TV review

In my journalism class we had to pick a show we had never seen before and write a review about it. Doing everything in my power thus far not to give into the Jersey Shore hype…I decided to finally check it out. Needless to say I should have stuck to my guns.

Thanks to the new MTV apocalypse know as “Jersey Shore;” fist pumps and blowouts are unfortunately becoming as widespread as the common cold.

After viewing an episode of “Jersey Shore,” one will easily be able to identify why this show has stirred up a lot of controversy. “Jersey Shore” is based on negative stereotypes and bad behaviors of a subset of Italian-Americans that call themselves “Guido’s”.

As awful and mind numbing as this show is, it is impressive how much trash they can cram into one episode. It appears nothing is off limits to this group of eight individuals. Hooking up with various strangers, cursing like sailors and living by their ritual “GTL,” which stands for gym, tanning and laundry, is all in a days work for these fame seekers.

If this garbage is what society thinks is good television, then I need to thrown mine out the window. Watching people wear next to nothing to go out to night clubs to cheat on their significant others and pounding their fists on the floor and in the air is not what I call entertaining. I feel embarrassed for these people just by watching them on the show.

“Jersey Shore” is a disgrace. I can’t fathom any reason to watch another episode of individuals who go by the self-given nicknames: Jwoww, Snooki, and The Situation.

An episode I viewed started off with a late start to the day due to a long night of “pounding the beat”. Once the hangovers were cured, the “Guido’s and Guidettes,” had a savvy business day at the boardwalk t-shirt shop. After this day of hard work these characters earned themselves a night at the classy Karma establishment. With a few good beats and a couple cups of “Ron-Ron” juice, the cast members claim that the evening will, “Come to life.”

One may be wondering what exactly is “Ron-Ron” juice? Well, lucky for me after watching an episode, I too now know the recipe that will make my night come to life. It’s a concoction made up by a cast member that includes Stolichnaya vodka, watermelon juice, cherries, and cranberry juice with ice. Clearly a cup of pink liquid is the perfect accesory to the guy’s blowouts and designer clothing.

So if one wants to look at “juiced” and tanned guys, or watch girls the color of oompa loompas talk on a wooden duck phone for thirty minutes of the day, this show is the perfect candidate! If MTV’s intentions were to give Italians who reside in Jersey Shore a bad reputation, then they completely succeeded.