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A whirlwind of thoughts

Archive for Facebook

Tweet Your Heart Out PR Pros

If you asked me a year ago if I would ever join Twitter, without hesitation I would have said “No way, its unnecessary.” Ask me now as a soon to be PR professional and you will receive an urgent social media PSA brought to you by your’s truly, stating something around the lines of, “Twitter is one of the most valuable social media platform to be a part of. If you are not on these you are only hurting yourself.”

As fast as social media evolves, so are the ways of communicating. It is extremely important to use social media if you want to be a professional in the PR world. Not only does this connect you with other people around the world in the same fields of interests, but it also keeps you up to date with the breaking news and companies you are interested in.

Public relations is focused on building relationships (who would have thought?), so individuals need to be proactive on these sites and create those connections. You also want to make a presences amongst the publics and being apart of Facebook, Twitter and all of the other platforms allows individuals and organizations to do so. Going off of this idea, companies know the benefits of being on these sites and they need help to grow their numbers. This is part of a PR practitioners job, so live by the cliche saying, “Practice makes perfect.”

So people of the world, do yourself a favor and get involved with social media because it is here to stay!