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A whirlwind of thoughts

Archive for barton

Apologize This Barton

A column I wrote today in my beginning journalism class..

In the midst of all of the chaos being caused by the millions of gallons of crude oil spewing into the ocean on a daily basis, I think I missed a new rule of etiquette that requires a victim to beg the perpetrator for forgiveness.

Brainless Joe Barton of Texas, a senior House Republican decided that it was only right to apologize to oil giant BP on behalf of the U.S. government. What he said was: “I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown — in this case a 20 billion dollar shakedown.”

Barton was referring to the 20 billion dollars that BP agreed on to put into a compensation fund for victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Earth to Barton, not only is this the worst oil spill in U.S history, but the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig killed 11 workers and seriously injured over a dozen. On top of that there is no exact date to when this will be fixed, meanwhile a region that was destroyed a few years back due to Hurricane Katrina now has to deal with insincere idiots apologizing to the root of the problem instead of getting them to get off their high horse and do something about this crisis. Hey Barton, try that for tragedy.

If the 20 billion dollar contract were really a “shakedown” one would think Tony Hayward would not be off on vacation watching yacht races. It must be nice, while Hayward can jet off and enjoy watching boats on clean water, U.S citizens are trying to cope with the disaster his company has created.

I guess the insensitive Hayward was not joking when he unsympathetically announced the true reason he wants to fix the oil spill: “Id like my life back.” Not only is that a ridiculous statement, Hayward had the nerve to say that to the people of Louisiana, the true victims of this crisis. Due to this catastrophe these people will not be able to provide food for their families, let alone take a vacation.

Its people like Hayward and Barton that just need to get out of the way. These men are not benefitting anyone or providing any relief to the oil spill, so maybe they should both think about relinquishing what is left of their decency, if any, and go watch yachts together. Gentlemen spare us all your selfish media antics and let us all focus on what is really important.